Od stycznia do lipca 2023 roku, nasza fundacja gości w ramach wolontariatu, dwie niesamowite dziewczyny z Gruzji, które wspierają nasze działania i pomagają nam w realizacji bieżących projektów.
Przedstawiamy Wam dziś jedną z nich:
Hi. I am Mariam from Georgia (yeah, from that small country located between Europe and Asia). Last year, I graduated from Tbilisi State University and got the Degree of Bachelor of Social Sciences in Psychology. I used to work as an interviewer, researcher, HR administrator. I was a volunteer in National Science Library of Georgia, a volunteer mentor in TSU Career Development Center. Then I decided to use my gap year to do something new and find something really different.
As a psychologist and as a person, I consider the life is a process (not a destination). And I really want to follow this process to gain as much different experiences as possible. One the most interesting thing in life is an opportunity to meet new people and find out about different realities. Thus, I decided to go abroad and see new country, new opportunities and also to understand more about me in this new environment. I found interesting joining European Solidarity Corps, because I liked working as a volunteer before. It sounds cool to meet youth people from different countries, find new friends, and, most importantly, work together for the better future.
I chose Poland as my destination and joined the team of Fundacja Eklezja since January. Since then I started living in a totally different area than I used to live before. My journey in Poland started from the southernmost part of the country. I also started studying Polish language (unfortunately, it is not really a piece of cake). I was fascinated with the local nature, sightseeing, food and, mostly, with the local people’s attitude. They appreciate their history and their traditions and try to preserve them carefully. I used to think that Georgians are only people who cares so much about their culture and traditions. It is really impressive how Polish people can protect their own traditions and be able to stay open and share different perspectives at the same time.
I believe there are much more interesting discoveries, reflections and experiences ahead of me. I will have pleasure to meet local children and youth and share and accumulate knowledge and skills together with them. I am looking forward to sharing my own knowledge and own culture with you.
You can find photos from my short journey in Polish winter below.